Monday, November 26, 2007

Please Leave A Message After The Beep

Cause I ain't picking up no phone call. (Bosses should be banned from calling their employees when they are on holiday)
I'm still enjoying Penang.
I don't feel like going back to the office.
Infact if I have loads of money, I'll quit right now.
But then again, whatever is going to happen to Diyana, Bani, Nana, Farah_Kawaii?
I can't do this to them. They will miss me so much I bet they can't even do their work today!
tch tch tch!
Oh well *sighs* in that case I'll get back to the office tomorrow.
By the way guys, if you miss me so much, you can smell my stinky shoes under my table. Be careful take your turn sharing is caring remember?
Oh what would be friends do without me?