Ooooh it's already Sunday and I'm still trying to figure out what happened to Saturday. Anyway it has been quite a relaxing weekend. Hot Mama, Mr Frankie and I decided to start our Saturday with some wantan mee in Berjaya Restaurant in Bangsar. It was relatively mild and calm Saturday considering that it was election day.
After that we stopped at Times at BSC to get a pregnancy book journal. Mr Frankie and I decided that we would like to start a pregnancy journal for Peanut. However we didn't find any pregnancy journal that we like so we decided to come up with our own version. Mr Frankie and I will alternately write down our own pregnancy experience and we're hoping to pass the journal to Peanut when he's all grown up.
And I also managed to pick up some magazines.

Pregnancy magazines are expensive I tell you but I have to say "Parenthood" is my favourite.
I'm thinking of getting the 'Yoga for Pregnancy' DVD but I'm not too sure whether it's safe to do it on my own at home. So, I'm now looking for a pregnancy yoga class that is not too expensive and it has to be somewhere in PJ, Kelana Jaya or Shah Alam area.
Oh boy I gotta go pee again. I wish Sunday is longer.
Catch you later aligator