First of all I want to say thanks to all well wishers :) I really appreciate it.
Secondly, I am fine and Peanut is fine we're both fine *alhamdulillah* praise to God :) I'd do anything to ensure that Peanut is safe even if it means injecting myself with insulin 4 times a day *ouch* I'll blog about my insulin galore soon.
I was couped up in my parent's house in Bangi for about a week and when Sunday came I told Mr Frankie that I MUST go out before I go crazy. I was seriously ill mind you. I couldn't even stand for more than 5 minutes without feeling like passing out, but I just needed some fresh air. So we decided to do some baby shopping. Off we went to Ikano. It was quite a quiet weekend not many people around. My guess is with Thursday being holiday, most people 'balik kampung' or went for a holiday.
Anyway, we managed to get some things for Peanut. The steam sterilizer was a steal (My mom is going to look after Peanut later so I though an electric steamer would not burden me mom so much, plus it was on sale).
We got Peanut some clothes too :)

And this is what Peanut's daddy got him/her. Oh my, that child has no say in choosing his football team hehehehe!
And I plan to take Peanut's naked pictures as much as I can. I learn from my mom that you can use the pictures to blackmail your child later on in is/her life.
It worked on me. Ehem...
I'm 18 weeks along now and I'm beginning to feel Peanut moving more and more. We went for a scan last weekend to find out if Peanut is a he or a she but Peanut must be a really shy baby as the doctor can't see his private part at all. We are to go for a detail scan when I'm 22 weeks so I hope we can tell by then.
Ok insulin time. Wish me luck