And my nose seems to expand too!
I just have to lay off the Tropicana and no more 'nasik lemak' for me.
And remember when I said that my morning sick has subsided? Well guess what? The last couple of days, it became worse. I vomit almost every morning. Brushing my teeth is almost impossible let alone gargling. I'm super super tired all the time. By the time I get home from work I have just enough energy to shower and have a bite and I'll be snoring by 9 p.m. And I even cried watching when Pamela and Vanessa scooping the elephants poo poo in The Amazing Race Asia (?!)
Anyway we started buying some baby stuffs. I know it's way too early but we just couldn't resist! We got Mr Frankie his diaper bag. He refuses to carry any floral type of diaper bag (sheesh) so we bought this 'macho' diaper bag at Maison de Bebe in Bangsar Village (after we stuffed our face with roti canai at Mahbub heheheh). Maison de Bebe was having a sale and I was also looking for the Bumbo seat which comes only in pink. Well I'm not a big pink fan so we'll try and find it somewhere else.
We saw some strollers too at MC The Curve and we found one that we like though we'd like to compare the price first before we buy it. And this week we'll be hunting for a baby doppler (thanks Eintanz I'll go and have a look at Babyland in Summit).
On another note, work sucks. No, work's ok but my boss sucks. I was on MC last week because I had high fever and flu and cough you name it I got it. My boss was really angry that I had 2 days MC that he told me " Next time if you want to take your MC tell me at least 2 days in advance!"
Can you please tell me how stupid can a Senior Manager be? I mean really?
Well I better get going. Meeting in an hour.