Monday, February 25, 2008
Fire Fire Office Is On Fire!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
9:32 am
Friday, February 22, 2008
Posted by
Lady Gargle
2:36 pm
Weekend Here We Come
Posted by
Lady Gargle
10:19 am
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Frankie The Mean Eating Machine (12 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant...and counting)
I know that this blog is dangerously becoming a pregnancy blog...but bear with me oui? :)


My belly is starting to get all itchy. I used to use cocoa butter but I find Mothercare's massage cream is way way much better and much cheaper than the cocoa butter cream that I used previously.
I have this craving for chili crabs/seafood. Anyone knows a good place to go have seafood (that won't break my pocket as I plan to take the whole family (9 of us!) for seafood eating frenzy session)
I'll be 13 weeks pregnant this coming Saturday.

This is the last week of your first trimester and your baby weighs 14 to 20 grams. The crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 2.6 to 3.1 inches. Your baby is now about the size of a peach. Fetal growth is amazing from now through about the 24th week of pregnancy. At this point of your pregnancy, there is a steady flow of pregnancy hormones in your bloddstream. Your body will adjust to the changes and morning sickness might stop and other early symptoms will begin to ease. Because the second trimester is approaching, feelings of anxiety or nervousness may also diminish. You have probably gained some weight by now. You are losing your waist and your clothing is probably fitting snugly.
There is a milky membrane that surrounds your baby. It is pierced by the umbilical cord and is made up of two layers, which are fused together. Your placenta provides most of the nutrients and oxygen that your baby needs. By this week, the placenta is well formed and ready to take over hormone manufacture from your ovaries. The placenta will produce progesterone and estriol. These hormones will be crucial in the maintenance of your pregnancy. Tissue that will form your baby's bones is being laid down, especially around the head and limbs. The nose and chin are becoming more prominent.
Your baby's eyelids meet and fuse together and they will not open again for nearly four months. The eyes started out on the side of your baby's head and they are now moving closer together on the face. The ears come to lie in their normal position on the sides of the head. If examined outside of the womb, you will be able to distinguish male from female at this time. The sockets for all twenty teeth are formed in the gums, and vocal cords are beginning to form.
I'm beginning to feel very attach to Peanut. Not that I don't feel attach to him/her before, but feeling him/her kicking and seeing him moving last week makes me realised that I have this wonderful thing growing in my belly, and I just feel this intense LOVE all over. And I fell in love with Mr Frankie all over again everytime I see him fussing over things that I should eat, shouldn't eat, have I taken my vitamins today, how he makes sure that I'm comfy all the time, how he is just all calm and collected everytime I get all biatch (it's the hormones, I swear!). I'm truly grateful for such a wonderful husband...Ok enough of the mushy things hehehehe.
I can't wait for my MC catalogue to arrive! And I'll post my 13 weeks belly soon :)
Posted by
Lady Gargle
12:24 pm
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Peanut the Jumping Bean
I was kinda expecting to see the little bean jumping as I have been reading a lot about pregnancy but Mr Frankie was very very surprised to see Peanut shaking his/her bon bon (obviously Mr Frankie has not been reading the pregnancy book that we bought. Hmmph!)
Anyway we were delighted to know that our Peanut is healthy and he is now about 6.8 cm. We also saw his beautiful spine and his heart was beating strongly. I have yet to feel his movement but the doctor said it won't be long before I could feel him kicking. I can't wait! :)

However, I have been told that my BP is quite high 133/88 and it is a bit of a concern to me as I know that high BP could lead to pre-eclampsia. The doctor have asked me to rest and relax and try not to get all worked up. I told my doctor that work can get pretty stressful (esp with a boss like mine!). She said I need to learn to calm down and just take things in stride.
*sighs* I guess I really do not have a choice but to calm down and learn how to relax.
Any tips people?
And I learn that morning sickness doesn't only happen during day time. It also happens during night/very early in the morning too. I have been waking up at 3 a.m. the last week just to eat. Good thing that we have 24 hours McDonalds just around the corner. Mr Frankie was there at 3 a.m. in his 'kain pelikat' (sarong) getting me McD's breakfast *grins*
I also learn that emotional threat works like a charm.
Told Mr Frankie that if he refuses to buy me food, I'll turn this baby into an Arsenal/Liverpool/Chelsea fan (thanks to Diyana for this tip ;)). Hahahahahaha!
Mr Frankie now do whatever it takes to make sure that this baby is a Man U fan. I was once asked to sit down with Mr Frankie to watch a 2-hour Man U Greatest Moment on DVD. Hmmph!
Anyway I'd like to say thank you to those who wrote/e-mail to me on pregnancy tips and also to all well wishes. I really appreciate it very much *hugs*
By the by, now that we know that Peanut is already jumping and waving and kicking, Mr Frankie is scared to the horizontal lambada fearing that Peanut would have a shock of his life if he sees his daddy's umm...birdie. I told Mr Frankie that Peanut is oblivious to that but that doesn't seems to convince him. I am to call the doctor today to confirm that it's ok to rompy romp.
Have a good week people.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
8:26 am
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My First Belly Shot (11 weeks and 3 days pregnant)

Posted by
Lady Gargle
7:59 am
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Posted by
Lady Gargle
4:23 pm
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
H0rny Bunny
Ever since I got pregnant, I find myself ummm......quite 'in the mood' most of the time.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
10:21 am
Monday, February 04, 2008
Peanut :)
Hola! Oh my the last couple of weeks have been crazyyyyyyy! This baby of ours has pretty much turned our world upside down inside out up and down and round and round, and he's not even born yet! ;)
Anyway, I have loads to post but for now I'm just going to let you have a peek at our Peanut, our baby :) Well we call him Peanut because he looks like one.

My weekend is pretty much spent doing absolutely nothing because I have zero energy to do anything at all. Thanks to Mr Frankie who seems to be doing all the chores around the house, including making me cheese sandwiches and hot Milo, which are the only things that I manage to hold down. He even did all the laundry, the vacuuming, the ironing, the everything. Love you D *kiss kiss*
I better get going. With Diyana not around, there is nothing much that I can do to amuse myself. I at times find myself making jokes to my chair and table and laughing out loud.
Crazy hormones make you do crazy things.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
12:15 pm