These are the ladies that I spend most of my time with in the office.
Now I know why I get all screwd up like this hah! hah! hah!

And that's Nana on the left. She makes mean 'Kek Lapis' and can whistle through her nose and 'gentel' (play) her 'bantal busuk' (errr smelly pillow(?)) whenever she's all tensed up ;) She eats a lot but never gain a pound hence I hate her the most hehehehe!

And please, don't let that sweet innocent face fool you ;)
'Bangi mali tatak sombong punya'
(Comes from Bangi and she's not a stuck-up)

Dean, or Din short for Dina. We call her KL Tower as she towers pretty much all of us. Finds joy in f@rting in the wind and can be seen at times sleeping standing up with a smile on her face. Can go through even the smallest of space as she resembles a plywood.
She'll be going off to Amsterdam come January 2008. We'll miss you loads Din Din!