So, I advised her to visit, a free consumer resource website that provides the best ‘bad credit’ offers available on the market. I also advised VogueMama to equip herself with the right financial knowledge so she would be able to identify which credit offers that suit her needs and avoid bad credit loans. With the growing number of bad credit consumers in the U.S, I suggested VogueMama to give a try for the best offers available
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Bad Credit Offers
So, I advised her to visit, a free consumer resource website that provides the best ‘bad credit’ offers available on the market. I also advised VogueMama to equip herself with the right financial knowledge so she would be able to identify which credit offers that suit her needs and avoid bad credit loans. With the growing number of bad credit consumers in the U.S, I suggested VogueMama to give a try for the best offers available
Posted by
Lady Gargle
5:19 pm
Halloween Party
This is going to be our first Halloween party. It's going to be a fabulous Halloween pool party at a good friend's house in Andalucia.
Since this is our first, we are going to be safe. Mr Frankie will be donning his Starwars Jedi Knight costume...
....and I will be in my Princess Leia outfit :)

Yeah so boring I know but hey when you man has to be the Jedi Knight, you have to be Princess Leia si?
Now all I have to do is get me some round braided pastries, carve the middle part out and paint it black and I'm good to go! heheheheh
Posted by
Lady Gargle
3:54 pm
The Usual Suspect(s)
These are the ladies that I spend most of my time with in the office.

Dean, or Din short for Dina. We call her KL Tower as she towers pretty much all of us. Finds joy in f@rting in the wind and can be seen at times sleeping standing up with a smile on her face. Can go through even the smallest of space as she resembles a plywood.
She'll be going off to Amsterdam come January 2008. We'll miss you loads Din Din!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
1:42 pm
Working With Really Really Bad Internet Connetion Can Give You Hemorrhoids
The internet connection has been really really really really really bad the last couple of days and I can't get me job done at work nor have I been able to blog surfing which is rather frustrating.
So if I haven't been leaving comments on your blog scuzzy moi.
Believe me you I have been chasing the IT guys for the last 3 days but they seems to think that it's funny that I haven't been able to check my e-mails. I really think they should slow down on the mojito. I saw one IT guy doing the ooh la la dirty Britney Spears pole dancing action on an ocean of cables and wires while the other was walking around the office with Diyana's shoes on, pretending to be Diyana.
God knows one Diyana is enough in the office. Erk! Hihihihihi
Things are pretty slow this week. I woke up thinking that today is Friday and when it hit me that today is ONLY Wednesday, I drowned my sorrow with some really sour yogurt drink this morning (hmmm, did I check the expiry date?) and as a result of that, I nearly didn't make it to the loo when I reached the office. And the fact that I couldn't wee wee or doo doo when there's people in the restroom just made it worse. Had to chase the 'kakak cleaner' out for a while.
Can't wait til Friday.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
7:52 am
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Bye Bye Baby
The doctor said she's all ok to go home...
I imagine this would be hardest on my Mom and my Dad especially as they adore baby Sofiya. Dad has been talking about making trips to Penang to see her already.
So bye bye baby and we'll see you again this December.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
4:30 pm
My Baby Don't Have A Choice But To Be A Manchester United Fan
So off I went to Anakku in SACC with Mr Frankie last night to get a present for the baby So, as I was going through the presents and thinking of what to get Bobby’s baby, Mr Frankie came to me holding a box in his hand with a smirk on his face. As he handed the box over to me, he said,
“We should give the baby this. I think we MUST give this one, ok?”

“This is a very good present. It’s good for the baby’s development. I didn’t know that you know about RBW. Thanks darling”…
….thinking that he might have been reading about babies and all.
Then Mr Frankie said,
“What development? No, it’s not because of that. Look at the box again”
So I looked at the box again and only then I understood his reason for picking that particular present….

He chose the box because it was Red Black and White, the colours of Manchester United.
That is my husband.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
11:16 am
Monday, October 29, 2007
Spot The (Unusually Gigantic Feet) Difference
Never mind the fact that I've got spots all over my feet :P
That was from moving house. The doctor said it was dust mites. And it doesn't help that I have very sensitive skin. Imagine that all over my body. Eww I know. Very unromantic too when you're all 'in the moment' and you just have got to scratch. Hah! Hah!
Nope, my left feet IS bigger than my right. And yes I have abnormally big feet. I wear size 9 to 10 shoes so buying shoes is a real headache. I'd usually get families and friends to get me shoes whenever they go overseas. But the one in the picture I got it from Vincci + (God bless Vinci +).
So anyone can tell me the difference?
Posted by
Lady Gargle
6:23 pm
Al-Fatihah : Sheikh Mustafa Shukor Al Masrie

Sheikh Mustafa Shukor Al Masrie, 32, breathed his last at 6pm at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre's Intensive Care Unit where he was warded following the mishap.
Sheikh Mustafa was going into a restaurant in Jalan Kelang Lama on Oct. 21 - the same day Dr Sheikh Muszaphar returned to Earth from the International Space Station - when he accidentally knocked into a pillar.
He fell to the ground with his head hitting a pile of bricks and had been in coma since. An uncle of Sheikh Mustafa said his remains were taken to his house at No 7, Lorong 12/12B here about 8.20pm and expected to be buried at the Makam Tuan Haji Said cemetery in Sikamat, Seremban after Zohor prayer Sunday.
Sheikh Mustafa, the fourth of five siblings, leaves a wife, Norhayati Mohd Redza, 28, and two children.
Story & Picture frm
This is what you call 'Ketentuan Ilahi' (God's will). My prayers to the family.
I can't even begin to imagine what the wife is going through...
Posted by
Lady Gargle
1:34 pm
Monday Monster
It's Monday.
If I can go through Monday, I can go through just about anything.
If you need me, I'll be behind that mountain of papers.
Je me sens malade.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
12:07 pm
Friday, October 26, 2007
Farrah's Harrogate Toffee
The best toffee I've tasted so far ;)
By the way, Farah or Farrah means 'happiness' in Arabic :D

Posted by
Lady Gargle
5:53 pm
Baby Sofiya
Say hello to my new 3-week old cousin Sofiya :) Isn't she adorable? Yeah she looks a lil bit like a boy heheheh but she's a girl.
She's at my folk's place in Bangi for the time being. She's the first baby after so many many years in my family so she's treated like a princess by us :) I just LOVE the way baby smells especially if they just woken up from sleep.
She had yellow fever when she was born and it didn't go away for a while so the doctor advised my uncle to bring her to Serdang Hospital for further check-up.
What causes yellow fever in babies? Is there anything that the mommy should eat/not eat to prevent yellow fever?
Anyway can't wait to see her this evening :D
Posted by
Lady Gargle
1:38 pm
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Berdegil Membuat Bergedil (Hahaha!) "I'm Making Bergedil"
Truth is, I just couldn’t care less whether or not I eat my breakfast, lunch, dinner or what time I eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some days, I would only have one meal and some days I would be eating non-stop.
But ever since I got married, I try to cook on a regular basis. It could be as simple as scrambled eggs with toast or as complicated as ‘nasik kerabu’ (it is complicated to me). Thank goodness Mr Frankie is not a fussy eater. He would eat just pretty much anything I cook (bless you darling). He too has been helping me in the kitchen with the slicing and the dicing and washing dishes. Our kitchen time is now our ‘together time’ which is fun because we would experiment with recipes or come up with our own. And it’s such a joy to see Mr Frankie enjoying the food that I prepared. My mom told me that no matter how busy you are, you must cook for your husband.
I would whip up something Western if I’m in a hurry and I’ll do Malay(sian) dishes when I have the time. This weekend, I am going to cook Bergedil (Potato Patties). My dad call it 'gedeber' though hahaha! Anyway, bergedil s so easy to make and very yummy too! :)

4 medium local potatoes, peeled
1 tbsp dried shrimps, washed
1/2 tsp dark peppercorns
1 small egghandful of breadcrumbs
pinch of salt
1 egg + water for coating
Oil for deep frying
1. Steamed potatoes, mashed them and put aside
2. Fry fried shrimps till crispy, drained and put aside
3. Roast black peppercorns and mix it with the fried dried shrimps
4. Blend the shrimps and black pepper till fine
5. Add the shrimp mixture and salt into the mashed potato and mix till well incorporated
6. Add egg and breadcrumbs slowly and mix. The texture must not be too soft.
7. Heat oil in wok
8. Shaped potatoes into balls and flatten them a little
9. Dip into egg mixture and deep fry till golden brown
Note: If mixture is too soft, keep it in the fridge for about 15 mins before shaping.
Recipe & picture courtesy of
If time is what you don't have, I suggest Bergedil as it is just so simple and quick to do and you can eat it with bread or rice or you can dip it in chili sauce or even mayonnaise.
Yummy yums!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
6:26 pm
Build Your Own Online Store The Easy Way
But after some researching, we decided that Ashop Commerce is the best ecommerce software available to help us establish our own online shopping cart. With its great, easy to use award winning features, Ashop Commerce provides not only the most up to date advice that Mr. Frankie and I need to start our online store, it also has a low monthly fee that is very affordable. What more, with Ashop Commerce our customers will be able to make payments easily as Ashop Commerce is integrated with major banks, gateways and third party processors.
Ashop Commerce offers all that we need to build our own online store. From great easy features to fantastic designs a well as the technical support and customer service available.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
2:33 pm
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Booger Bugger
What would be your reaction when the person that you are having a serious serious conversation with suddenly did this....
And I'm talking about some serious excavation work!
Not only that he picked his nose, he played with his booger before FLICKING it into the air like its the most natural thing to do in public.
He even pulled his nose hair and blew it away!
......and there I was frantically calculating where will his booger land so I can manouver myself and not be hit by his booger, whilst maintaining a serious serious conversation at the same time.
I think I'm gonna go and puke now.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
3:53 pm
I LOVE to travel, however I am unable to do much travelling due to time and financial constraint especially. I did a lot of backpacking during my younger days and I always did my research before I travel to ensure that I get the cheapest and best hotel available. It wasn’t easy on my student pocket but the experience was unforgetable.
Now that we are both working and have a little bit more money, I told Mr Frankie that perhaps him and I should take a trip before we start a family. One place that we both really wanted to go is Italy. So we started researching for hotels in Italy that offers the best rate in town.
We watched a programme on Italy last weekend and we decided that Venice is a must-go place. Venice is a city in northern Italy, the capital of region Veneto, and Venice's nicknames include "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light.
We also listed down a few places that we want to visit:-Trevi Fountain
The Fontana di Trevi or Trevi Fountain is the most famous and arguably the most beautiful fountain in all of Rome. It brings water all the way from the Salone Springs (approx 20km from Rome) and supplies the fountains in the historic center of Rome with water. The water at the bottom of the fountain represents the sea. Legend has it you will return to Rome if you throw a coin into the water. You should toss it over your shoulder with your back to the fountain.Duomo
A distinctive feature of Florence's skyline is the dome of the cathedral (Duomo), Santa Maria del Fiore. The building itself, located due north of the Piazza della Signoria, was begun by the sculptor Arnolfo di Cambio in 1296. The third pair of these doors, by Lorenzo Ghiberti, was of such rare beauty that Michelangelo christened them the " Gates of Paradise."
Rome, the capital city of Italy is also in our list. If you have never been to Rome, don’t worry. There are a lot of hotels in Rome with affordable prices so as not to burn a hole in your pocket. Some of interesting places that we would like to visit in Rome are:-
Also, I have always wanted to visit the Fenice or Teatro La Fenice ("The Phoenix"). The Fenice is an opera house in Venice, Italy. It is one of the most famous theatres in Europe, the site of many famous operatic premieres. Its name reflects its role in permitting an opera company to "rise from the ashes" despite losing the use of two theatres (to fire and legal problems respectively). Since opening and being named La Fenice, it has twice burned and been rebuilt.
We are not sure when will we be able to afford this holiday. It's going to be expensive, hence that's why we need to do a lot of research for cheap places for us to stay in Italy.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
11:45 am
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kama Sutra Gone Wrong
And so it begins.....
The incessant probing, talking, wondering, looking, thinking, wishing, touching, questioning, praying, lecturing...
"Dah ke belum?" (So? Are you pregnant yet?)
"Ish lambatnya" (Why does it take so long?)
"Are you sure you got the positioning right? I mean a slight adjustment can jeopardize the whole thing you know"
"Letak bantal bawak ponggong" (Put a pillow under your *ss)
"Don't get up immediately after that you have to lie down for at least 30 minutes"
"Cengkam kuat skit bro" (Hahah I have no idea how to translate this one!)
"I've got some herbs for you and Mr Frankie. Now don't forget to take the herbs you have to take the herbs"
People! We are trying to work here!
We feel like guinea pigs if not amateur porn actor/actress being given direction by the porn director.
Left leg up, right leg curl, left hand hold, right hand push, 90 degrees to the North-East and bend a lil bit to the side and up and up and sway to the left and wham bam!
Apparently its a MUST that I get pregnant by next month or the whole world would combust into big fiery ball.
You people have got to relax now. We cant do it knowing everyone is 'watching'.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
7:31 pm
Need Fast Cash?

So what do I do?
I go to to solve my problem. It’s a quick solution for anyone who is facing a financial crisis. is a cash advance site for payday loans and cash advance. A payday loan or cash advance is a small, short-term loan that is intended to cover a borrower's expenses until his or her next payday. Typical loans are between $100 and $1500O and the benefits of applying online include faster approval, less paperwork, and no hassles because once you submit your application it is instantly processed. The loan amount will be deposited right into your checking account overnight once the loan has been approved.
It is that simple and easy.
Pay day loans and cash advance can come to the rescue no matter what situation has arisen. No matter how well you may manage your money, there are unexpected times when you might need financial help. This is where a fast payday loan can come in handy.
Give a try today.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
4:00 pm
Re-VIRGINized Yourself
Posted by
Lady Gargle
8:42 am
Ninjabee, I can't seem to find your blog no more(?) what happened? I keep getting the error message everytime I try to read your blog and I can't comment either (in case you are wondering why I haven't been commenting your entries as of late. Not that I don't want to, I just can't)
So please if you read this please drop me a line oui?
Posted by
Lady Gargle
8:06 am
Monday, October 22, 2007
My Husband is a Manchester United (Mad Psychotic) Fan
Just look at his T-Shirt.
I told him if he gets bashed by Arsenals or LPs fan I shall run the other way.
The EPL has started which can only mean one thing...
That I shall have no control over the remote control of the TV whatsoever.
That my dear dear sweet husband shall cry, eat, sleep, doodle, breathe MANCHESTER UNITED until EPL is over. I shall come second.
That I cant mention the word Arsenal or Chelsea or Liverpool ever ever til the end of EPL.
That the bedsheet, comforter, pillow cases shall be changed to Man United bedsheet, comforter, pillow cases.
That the Man United flag will be placed in front of the house near the gate and that he shall kisses the flag every morning before getting into the car.
So, let the game begins!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
1:11 pm
I Want I Want I Want!
Had the chance to test-drive this over the weekend.
OMG I MUST have this car even if it means selling off my kidney *tee hee*
Posted by
Lady Gargle
10:37 am
From L.A With Love
Apparently I have a 'fan' in L.A who commented that I am a FATSO and I have an ugly family.
It's ok I'm not all angry or anything, just amused :) Think of all the trouble that she went through to read my entries and pen such comment. Now that's what I call hard work.
Takde benda lain ke nak buat ni cik adik? Ish ish ish bulan-bulan Syawal macam ni nak mengata orang kan tak baik tu? Takpa kita sesama Islam kena bermaaf maaffan. Lagi-lagi kita yang dah tua tua ni.
And ooh thanks for pointing out my mistake I didn't realize it :D thanks to you now I know the difference.
So Selamat Hari Raya cik adik yang berada di L.A tu dan makan ketupat jangan lupakan saya ok? ;)
And thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again (God knows I need that boost for my traffic hehe)
Posted by
Lady Gargle
8:01 am
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Juling the Booby Grabber
Lets call him Juling.
Juling is a cousin of mine and I don't like talking to him.
Reason? Well, simply because he is juling (cross-eyed).
I mean, really juling.
Please don't get me wrong. I have nothing against cross-eyed people but I have something against Juling.
He is so Juling that he makes me feel utterly uncomfortable.
I can never tell whether he is talking to me or someone else. He scolded me many times and call me rude because he said he asked me question and I never answer him.
The thing is, I didn't know he was talking to me. I swear! Both his eyes were not looking at me so what was I to do?
He would call me names and tell everyone that I was a stuck-up and that I didn't want to talk to him because I think he is cacat (disable).
There were also times when we were growing up, I swear he was using his 'juling' excuse to look at my bre@sts. He even tried touching them a couple of times saying that..
"I just wanted to touch your t-shirt. But I'm sorry my eyes are juling you see, so I might've accidentally touched your boobies"
Like WTF??
So last raya I saw Juling again. He is now happily married with a pair of twins.
They too are cross eyed.
Is it genetic??
Posted by
Lady Gargle
12:37 pm
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
In Loving Memory : Tiger (09.05.2007 - 12.10.2007)
It is my worst Raya (so far).
My baby Tiger died one day before Raya.
I didn't know what happened but Mr. Frankie and I assumed that it was food poisoning. We never ever gave our cats leftovers or scraps so I guess his little tummy couldn't take whatever food he ate that made him sick.
Tiger came to me one night 2 days before raya. I knew something was amiss when he didn't ask me to pick him up nor did he asked for food. He was just standing there looking very haggard and disoriented. I told Mr Frankie that something was seriously wrong and we should take him to the vet immediately.
It was nearly midnight and the vet was closed so we decided to call the vet himself for a house call. Unfortunately, with the raya and all, he was out of town. So we decided to bring Tiger to the vet tomorrow.
So when I tried to put him down, he reluctantly let go of my shirt. He didn't want me to put him down so I sat there with him for a while before I placed him on his pillow. He tried to follow me into the house but I told him that I'll see him first thing tomorrow morning.
I found him by the door the next morning. He was already gone.
I couldn't explain to you the sadness of losing a cat. Some said you can always go and find a replacement. The fact is, you can't.
I should have let him in the house that night.
I should have tried to take him to the other vet that night.
I should have stayed with him longer that night.
But I didn't...and it's my fault.
And to my baby Tiger, we all miss you terribly.
P/S : Latest news. I found out that quite a number of kittens especially and cats died around my area. Apparently someone is poisoning the cats. If I ever find out who did that I will personally punch that *sshole in the face before I make him/her eat the food that he's/she's giving the cats!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
9:59 am
Earn Your Cash...Now!
What more can I say? Are you just going to sit around and do nothing about it or you can click the link below and earn some money and let the money work for you, and you don't have to do a thing!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
9:57 am
Battle of the Bulge (No More!)
It has been a lifetime struggle for me when it comes to weight loss, until I found myfitnesspal.
It's a diet and fitness webiste that helps people like you and me lose weight the healthy way, and guess what? You do not need credit card as the website is free! Isn't that great?
The webiste has a calorie counter that is easy to use and very informative as it not only calculate the calories of your food to keep you on track with your diet programme, it also teaches you the nutritional value of the food you consume.
When I started my diet programme, I keep a food diary and list down all the food that I consumed as a measure to keep track of my food intake. That way I am more aware of what I put in my mouth and also it helps me to plan my exercise regime in my effort to lose weight.
It has been quite a struggle but thanks to myfitnesspal I have managed to lose weight the healthy way.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
8:58 am
Thursday, October 11, 2007
...And A Giant Step for Malaysia
Other countries may not give a d*mn, but it's a gigantic step for Malaysiankind :) and he is the first Muslim to blast off to space on a space voyage.
And it doesn't hurt that he's darn cute! ;)
"Malaysia's first astronaut was to blast off on Wednesday on a space voyage seen as breaking new boundaries for the Asian nation and for space travel by Muslims.
Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor was to lift off from the Baikonur cosmodrome at 1322 GMT in a Russian Soyuz rocket headed for the International Space Station (ISS) with Russian cosmonaut Yury Malenchenko and American Peggy Whitson.
He was to spend about nine days on the ISS, arriving at the orbiting station near the end of the holy month of Ramadan and staying there for the Eid festival, when he will treat the long-term crew to festive Malaysian food.
Malaysian officials have described the voyage as a national milestone as their country marks 50 years of independence.
Muszaphar, a 35-year-old doctor who has undergone extensive astronaut training, has said he hopes to inspire Malaysians to further space achievements and that Malaysia should have its own spacecraft by 2020.
He is due to conduct scientific experiments on behalf of Malaysia's Genome Institute, including tests on cancer cells to be transported on the Soyuz.
He has also said he will try to observe the fasting rules of Ramadan and that he hopes to get closer to God and share his experiences with other Muslims.
He is one of very few Muslims who have travelled to space. Malaysian religious authorities have prepared guidelines adapting religious rules to life on the ISS, which circles the Earth 16 times per calendar day, meaning that without adapting the rules he would be obliged to pray 80 times in 24 hours.
The guidelines say that the astronaut need only pray five times a day and that the times should follow the location from which the spacecraft blasted off."
Posted by
Lady Gargle
10:08 am
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Britney Bit
Oh please like you don't read about Britney Spears?
I'm no fan of hers but it's hard avoiding reading about her when she's plastered all over the net.
It's just that this picture made me think that she's may not be a bad mother after all. I think it's the intense media scutinization that made her what she is now...
I don't know. I was watching the movie 'Paparazzi' the other day and I think the papparai would do just about anything for news, it's scary...
Imagine not being able to shop or even pee in peace.
Oh well, price you pay for fame and money.
(picture courtesy of PinkIsTheNewBlog)
Posted by
Lady Gargle
3:27 pm
Sell & Buy Online with Ashop Commerce
There are hundreds of shopping cart software available, but none come close to offering the level of options, features and support available with Ashop Commerce, the best online store builder to create, build & design your e-commerce websites.
Ashop Commerce can help you get started by providing you with the expert ecommerce consultation you need to expand and grow your business online and with their knowledgeable and experienced staff, it can help you save time and money. You can focus on sales instead of wasting efforts trying to make ecommerce software launch.
And what’s more, Ashop Commerce is fully linked with all major financial institutions, gateways and third party processors to enable easy, fast and safe payment by your customers.
So thinking of building your own online store? Well look no more.
Ashop Commerce is the answer.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
2:22 pm
Nurin Jazlin
I received a rather disturbing autopsy pictures of Nurin Jazlin in my e-mail today.
My reaction?
Enough is enough!
Yes her death was a tragedy but I think it's just wrong to send autopsy pictures of her. Imagine how the family would feel like when they receive pictures of her in their e-mail?
Let her rest in peace. I do want her abuser/killer be caught but I also believed all that happened has a reason and there's hikmah behind all this.
Lets just pray for her and stop circulating the pictures.
Imagine if it's the pictures of your child/sister/mother? How would you feel?
Posted by
Lady Gargle
1:22 pm
Eye Yai Yai!
You know when you’re driving on the road and you have your contact lenses on and your eyes get real itchy and you’re scratching it and the next thing you know, your contact lenses moved and it’s all blurry!
And that was what happened to me this morning whilst driving down the Elite Highway. I was in a hurry this morning so I didn’t rinse my lenses properly (my bad) and my right eye got real itchy and red and I started scratching it and the next thing I know the whole right side was just this big ball of blurr. I started blinking furiously and I felt that the lense moved under my eyelid and it was just moving around and it freaked me out and I started panicking and screaming in the car and there was a big trailer honking at me and I couldn’t gauge the distance of the cars around me and I screamed summore!
And then the lense decided to pop out of my right eye and onto my lap and it was all big mess in the car with me driving with just one hand and the other searching for the lense and the car going at 140 kph and with all the screaming and trying to change the gear (dem manual car!) I couldn’t find the lense and I drove all the way to work with one hand on my right eye and one hand steering the wheel and I parked my car funny and I almost hit the pillar and I couldn’t find my work tag and now I’m dizzy.
I now have new found respect for the disabled.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
11:34 am
Smarty Smorty
The latest rave to hit bloggers these days is blog advertising. And what is blog advertising you ask? It’s a system which the advertisers pay the bloggers to advertise their product through their blogs. And if you are a blogger, this is a very good opportunity to get paid for blogging.
Smorty is a website that offers a service that links advertisers to bloggers and create a powerful network in advertising new and upcoming products. Smorty is simple, effective and reliable in bridging advertisers to potential buyers as well as good opportunity for bloggers to blog for money.
I myself am a registered blogger with Smorty and I have to say it is the easiest way to earn income so far. I can blog at the comfort of my own home and it’s not even a job as I enjoy writing. It’s like getting paid to do the thing I love.
So come and join Smorty and get paid for blogging!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
11:14 am
If writing is your passion, why not write and get paid for it? It is the easiest way to earn extra income (God knows we are all way under paid anyway ;)) and you can do this at the comfort of your home and office!
One of the best ways to do this is through Bloggerwave is now looking for an army of bloggers.
Join them and start earning income today!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
10:47 am
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Are You Covered?
Do you know that it is a proven fact that men drive worse then women?
Hahaha! I’m not kidding.
And do you know that gender is an element to consider when establishing your car insurance rate? That's because, according to most statistics in most areas of the world, men have a higher accident involvement than females do, creating more risk for male drivers. Women on the other hand are the more cautious lot and tend to end up with lower premium rates because they tend to be safer drivers.
Also driver age and distance driven comprise the overall estimation for the premium on your car. There are many variables that may stand before you in terms of getting your best car insurance rate.
Learning to ascertain your car insurance rate means that you find an understanding of the options that are obtainable to you and that you determine your rate based upon the existing variables derived from your own driving history. It takes time to develop a driving record that allows for a better car insurance rate. Until then, your car insurance rate may remain an object of dissatisfaction.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
2:08 pm
Beef Rendang
So raya this year I have been tasked by Mama to cook beef rendang. So I thought, ok I have never cooked beef rendang on my own before but how hard can it be? So I googled for the recipe and I found one that is tres easy to do (and very delish I tell you!) Oh don't forget the nutmeg.
3/8 pound shallots
3 cloves garlic
15 dried red chile peppers
5 slices fresh ginger root
5 lemon grass, chopped
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
2 teaspoons fennel seeds
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 pinch whole nutmeg
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 1/4 pounds beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 1/2 tablespoons white sugar
2 cups shredded coconut
5 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 2/3 cups coconut milk
7/8 cup water
salt to taste
Heat the coconut in a dry wok, stirring continuously until golden brown. Set aside to cool.
Using a blender or a food processor, blend the shallots, garlic, chilies, ginger, and lemon grass to a thick paste.
Grind the coriander, fennel, cumin and nutmeg.
Using the wok, fry the shallot paste in a little oil for a few minutes. Add the ground coriander, fennel, cumin and nutmeg; cook for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring continuously. Add beef; cook over a medium heat for a further 3 to 4 minutes, or until meat is browned.
Stir in sugar, coconut, cloves, cinnamon stick, coconut milk , and water. Bring to a boil, lower heat, and simmer until most of the liquid has gone and the meat is tender (about 1 hour). Season with salt to taste.
Have it with hot ketupat or even rice and bread. Just to die for!
Now, where can I find easy and delicious recipe for 'kuah kacang'?
Posted by
Lady Gargle
11:06 am
Monday, October 08, 2007
Sanity in A Cup
Waking up to a smooth strong cup of coffee is my idea of a perfect morning. After a cuppa, nothing and I mean NOTHING can go wrong. The smell of a freshly ground coffee wakes me up instantly and gives me the boost. It calms me down and picks me up during mid afternoon meetings.
More importantly, it also works as a tranquilizer at times where I was feeling homicidal whenever my moronic boss being all errr….moronic.
I can’t wait til puasa is over. I need my sanity back. I need my coffee.
What keeps you sane?
Posted by
Lady Gargle
4:16 pm
Bid 4 Prize$
Tired of bidding and never really won anything?
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It’s this fascinating website that lets you send in your lowest bid through your mobile phone and if your bid is the lowest unique bid, you have the chance to be the winner! And what’s more interesting is that you’ll get free gifts just by bidding!
How simple is that? Wait until you try the fun and interesting sweepstake too.
Bid 4 Prices allows you to win cash prizes as well as other interesting items such as Apple I-Phone, designer handbags and others. There’s winner everyday and you could be one of them.
Simply irresistible!
Brought to you by your friends at brought to you by your friends at [advertisers-www-website-address]
Posted by
Lady Gargle
3:23 pm
Frankie Bunch
Last Saturday saw the last of my 'barang-barang' (belongings) being hauled from my apartment to Mr Frankie’s house. Good thing I managed to sell/give away most of my brang-barang so there was pretty much nothing left. We also managed to clear up the store room as well as most stuff in boxes which are now neatly placed on shelves in the store room according to height, weight and function. I guess my pain-in-the-@ss organizational skills finally paid off *tee hee* Mr Frankie even called me ‘Monica’ when it comes to cleaning up because I will make sure that it’s not just health inspector clean, it has to be Frankensteina clean.
Anyway, while packing some of my barang-barang to give away, I was overwhelmed with a sudden (and totally unexpected) sadness. In a way, I wasn’t just ‘giving away’ my barang-barang, I was leaving behind my ‘old’ life and embarking on a new one. Not that it’s a bad thing, no. It’s just that I have been living on my own the last 10 years and giving away some of my barang-barang felt like I’m leaving behind some of the ‘old’ me. And I got real emotional when Mr Frankie suggested that perhaps I should trade in my trusty old satria for a newer car.
But I’m looking forward to start a new chapter of my life with Mr. Frankie. At last I feel at home in our new old house after a month and a half of alternate sleeping between my old apartment and the current house. I’m also happy to report that the kids are happy running around in the back lane chasing squirrels and eating lizards *eww I know but I see it as their daily intake of protein*. Ronnie has gotten himself a new gal and I hardly see him these days. Odie too has been going around town making friends. Only Tiger and Baby still ‘dibawah ketiak’ demanding to be hugged and kissed all the time. Puteh? I have no idea where Puteh is but I’m sure he’s alright. He has always been a loner that Puteh of mine.
Here’s to our little Frankie Bunch!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
2:32 pm
Lampu Lip Lap
Since the beginning of puasa, I have been on a quest for Lampu Lip Lap (I have no idea the ‘real’ name of the lampu, I just call it Lampu Lip Lap)…until now. Believe it or not, for the past one month I have been going around town looking for lampu lip lap but to no avail.
“Pegi PKNS banyak!” so Diyana said.
“Tak tak pegi Giant I tengok berkotak kotak lampu lip lap!” Bani claimed.
“Eeei tak best you kena pegi Jalan TAR macam macam jenis ada” so said Nana.
Hokey, so I’m not that brave to brave Jalan TAR on my quest for lampu lip lap but I have been to PKNS and Giant but still couldn’t find any lampu lip lap there.
Raya is not Raya without lampu lip lap!
So people tell me where (else) to find Lampu Lip Lap.
Posted by
Lady Gargle
10:09 am
Facing Foreclosure?
Foreclosure is a process in which a borrower/owner defaults on loan payments (usually mortgage payments) and the lender files a public default notice, called a Notice of Default or Lis Pendens. The mortgage holder can usually initiate home foreclosures anytime after a default on the mortgage. Within the United States, several types of foreclosure exist. Two are widely used, foreclosure by judicial sale and foreclosure by power of sale, with the rest being possibilities in a few states.
Foreclosed homes may either be a good opportunity to make money or an unfortunate circumstance for others. Foreclosed properties are often available for between five and fifty percent less value that the true market value and thus can make for a wise financial move on your part.
Anyone interested in entering the home market and who wish to see what is available in foreclosure properties would want to view listings of foreclosure online, which should not pose much of a problem in finding. There are some methods to apply when seeking foreclosure listings and among them are bank foreclosure listings that are often very tempting.
Brought to you by your friends at
Posted by
Lady Gargle
9:34 am
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Baby Blues
When Mr Frankie and I first got married, we decided that we won’t get pregnant the first year citing that we are not ready financially, emotionally and mentally. So we pretty much set on enjoying our first year baby-free.
But when I was late for 2 weeks, we found ourselves getting (somehow) all excited. We were toying with the idea that we might be pregnant and that we were very excited about it. Heck, Mr Frankie was thinking of putting an order for a baby Man U jersey over the net and I was surfing baby websites as recommended by Diyana (The Ferocious Eating Monster).
Then yesterday whilst in a meeting, I had to rush to the loo and later found out that I had my period. Feeling all bumped and all I told Mr Frankie about it and we found ourselves very very disappointed that we were not pregnant.
We then realized that we are ready to be parents no matter what our initial plan was. I guess the false alarm set off our parental instinct and we know that there is no such thing as “now is not a good time to have baby”.
I am ready to be a Mommy and Mr. Frankie is (more) than ready to be a Daddy.
So wish us luck people!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
4:59 pm
Monday, October 01, 2007
S.M.S (Save.My.Soul)
I don’t know what it is but I am utterly stressed out today!
Nothing and I mean nothing seems to be working out right.
I think there is some form of intergalactic conspiracy going on today.
I’m just stressed out.
And the mood swings! Oy! I feel like biting just about anyone who crosses my path.
I was giggling one second and (almost) crying the next. And I feel hungry ALL the time and it’s bulan puasa and I’m stressed out that I couldn’t have my usual shot of coffee this morning and I need back rub and feet rub and I want cheesecake and char kuey teow and I just want to sleep on the couch and never get up.
And I want chocolate loads of chocolate dark, white, brown chocolate I want chocolate!
The aircond in the room was 16 degrees C and I was sweating buckets.
What is the matter with me??
Now where is my stress ball?
Posted by
Lady Gargle
2:36 pm
Anda Mahu Duit? Tiada Modal, Tiada Penjamin
"Can't buy me love, money can't buy me love" so the Beatles sang.
Easy for you to say mister. You’re worth millions even after you’re dead.
So, how are we to make money, you ask?
If you L.O.V.E money and like to write, try
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Easy peasy if you ask me!
You write, they pay. How simple can that be? Take it as a part-time job.
God knows that we are all OVER WORKED AND UNDER PAID anyway so why not blog at work during those ‘in-between’ times and earn money (and for all we know, our bosses are doing the same. I mean how can they afford to buy all those shoes and handbags oui? ;))
I know some people who quit their job and blog full-time (and get paid for doing so) Talk about dream job.
To start just click And get yerself registered. But if you really lazy bum-bum to click on the link, I’ll tell you what to do:
Get Started!
1. In order to get started with blogsvertise you must register your account and blog with our service. If you do not have a blog, please visit this page for our list of recommended free blog sites. Once your account and is submitted , an administrator reviews your site for quality assurance purposes and will approve or reject your account. Please Read our rules for more information on what is allowed/not allowed.
2. Once your account is registered you will then add your blogs for review and approval. Once approved by the administrator your blogs are inserted into the assignment queue, where you will then be emailed tasks/new assignments to write about in your blog. Please read our rules At that point you should login to see the user service and how it works.When the task assigned to you, You will be emailed a website url along with a brief note. Your task will be to mention the website in your blog and provide at least 3 links to the website in your blog entry. Your entry must be permanent and should not be deleted in the future. Note: You do not have to endorse the website's products or services, just mention it, discuss it, or relate to it somehow in your blog/journal entry.
3. After you have written your blog entry, you will need to submit the blog entry back to us for review and approval via our online forms. We will again review your entry for approval. Once your blog entry is approved , you will be paid after 30 days for your entry via paypal. You must have a paypal account in order to be paid.
So what are you waiting for?
Blog awaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Posted by
Lady Gargle
1:11 pm