Wedding can be one exhausting occasion esp when it's your own. I'm not talking about the wedding day(s) per se but the after-wedding activities e.g 'Bertandang' and lunches and visiting and what not. Phew penat I tell you. Last weekend, Mr Frankensteina and I plus in-laws went to T.I visiting relatives. It was a pleasant trip as I get to meet my new extended families. Nothing beats 'kampung hospitality' and kampung food *yums*

The last picture was my attempt to take a picture of a speeding Ferrari but as you can see, to no avail. Heheheheh...
I'm back in the office but I'm just knackered.
And oh yes, for those who do not have sister-in-law, I ENVY YOU! You lucky devil. Yes I'm evil, so spank me.
On another note, Ronnie misses me so much that the night we returned to my apartment, he sneaked himself into the bedroom and slept on my arm.
