You are a Brainy Girl! |
I'd probably poke myself in the eye if the outcome was "Doinky Girl" or something to that effect he he...
Surviving motherhood...and everything else
You are a Brainy Girl! |
Posted by
Lady Gargle
3:19 pm
Now.....where do I begin?...
Well I am dumbfounded to see that people actually noticed that I was gone *tee hee* people (((GROUP HUG)))...hi hi hi.
Sadly, I have no one to blame but sloth(y) me for not updating. Honest to God, workload have been (and still is) merciless. End of November saw the departure of my Manager and the demise of me. My Big Boss know nuts about what she's doing, hence ALL work was handed over to me. The rest is history...I'm breathing Minutes and Resolutions and whatnots. But good news is, I have been making appearances in all the important meetings, so I am seen. Which is good. My advise is sought and my opinions are anticipated. Jolly...
My personal life is going through major changes too....I'm moving house again. I'm going to back to school...again. Weekends are filled with classes *phew* The last one month have seen Hot Papa and I on our feet most of the time. Its work, home, study,sleep, work, home, study, sleep for us. We are pooped really. I need a massage and Another Me, so that the Real Me can stay home and hybernate for at least 3 months and my Another Me can go on with my daily chores....
Fat chance....
And talking about fat......lets not go there on second thought. If I have to lie down flat on the floor one more time so just I can fit into my jeans....wait, I do have to lie down flat on the floor so that I can fit into my jeans...*argh!!*
*think happy thoughts*
My life and Hot Papa's will soon change forever....we're expecting sound of small padded feet around our new lovenest. Part of me just can't wait! I have been wanting this for so long. At last I managed to convinced Hot Papa. I understand his reservations....and among other things, what would people say? I mean yes I can only hide it for a while, but after that?...Gosh, I haven't told my parents. I know Abah would be ok with it...but what about Mama? The last time this happened, I had to 'throw' it away...
But this time, I'm old enough to make my own decision. I understand that one day Hot Papa and I may part ways, but I'm ready for this. Heck, I've been reading books and asking questions and buying toys....what a joy. I can't wait. My little kitten is coming next week! And I'm naming her Odie :o) Hot Papa is acting cool (konon) but I know he too can't wait hi hi hi. Plus, having more than a dozen cats over the years, I need his expertise in scooping out the poo-poo ;o)
Feels oh so good to be back... ;o)
Posted by
Lady Gargle
3:40 pm